
Rey Shoots Force Lightning

The fans have no idea of Darth Sidious and his feats in the PT. We learn through Vader that the Emperor is powerful in the dark side of the Force, and that's it (I think). Then we see this deformed dark wizard dude suddenly shoot lightning out of his fingers. Up until then, the Force. If Jedis can heal, Sith can suck out life force. Sure, that's a thing. Rey and Solo break the connection, and an enraged Palpatine sends Ben off the cliff. He then fires off his classic Force. Rey's Force vision after touching Anakin's lightsaber. Rey sees herself as a child during the Force vision. Maz tries to comfort Rey after the Force vision. Maz tells Rey that she can see un her eyes that she already knows the truth. Palpatine liked lightning, Rey is his granddaughter, therefore she shoots off lightning by accident like fucking Pikachu.

Nov 26th, 2019
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  1. Rey arrives on the planet Exogol where The Emperor (Sheev) is attached to his life support chair.
  2. Sheev talks to Rey, citing the same speech he used when talking to Luke in Return of the Jedi.
  3. The Emperor tells Rey that she is his granddaughter, but doesn't go into who her parents are (my note: In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, J.J. Abrams hinted there is a reason why Rey can learn things quicker than Luke Skywalker).
  4. Rey asks Sheev how he is still alive as Darth Vader killed him 31 years ago (in Return of the Jedi).
  5. The Emperor reveals that he is the real one and that the one Vader killed was a clone.
  6. The Emperor says he foresaw everything and knew Vader would turn on him, so he created clones to hide the fact he knew what was going to happen, protect himself, keep himself a secret, etc.
  7. The Knights of Ren are also said to be clones.
  8. A younger clone of The Emperor walks in, played by Matt Smith.
  9. The 4Chan leaker notes that this implies that Palpatine willingly allowed The Empire to fall, that it directly negates Vader's sacrifice in Return of the Jedi, and that it 'makes everyone post-ROTJ look like massive idiots who got bamboozled.'
  10. Kylo Ren approaches the Throne Room, but he is stopped by the Knights of Ren. Rey then 'Force teleports' Leia's lightsaber to Kylo Ren which sees Kylo kill the Knights of Ren.
  11. The Emperor smiles and says how Rey and Kylo have finally been brought together, mirroring Snoke's speech in The Force Awakens (the leaker notes this is one of the things that JJ Abrams meant by 'honoring' The Force Awakens).
  12. The Emperor says to 'Execute Order 67' which sees the Sith Armada of Star Destroyers rise from the water that are mounted with Death Star cannons.
  13. Leia and Hux (from the First Order) join forces and assemble the Resistance Fleet and engage the Sith forces over the planet Exogol.
  14. The Emperor cackles and unleashes Force Lightning which disables the entire Resistance Fleet.
  15. The Millennium Falcon gets blown up; Leia, Lando Chewie, 3-PO and R2-D2 all die (described as supposed to be the 'saddest' part of the film).
  16. Rey and Kylo try to fight off The Emperor, but Sheev again uses Force Lightning and kills Kylo sending him into the abyss.
  17. This causes Rey to get angry and channel every Jedi ever (my note: this seems to contradict the Jedi code of not getting angry, so how could Rey get angry and channel EVERY Jedi??).
  18. The Emperor blasts Rey with Force Lightning, but she deflects it back at him causing The Emperor to blow up, dying once and for all.
  19. Rey then shoots Force Lightning into the sky and disables the Sith Armada.
  20. The remaining Resistance ships finish off the Sith Armada. Victory ensues. Everyone cheers for Rey.
  21. The end sees Rey go to Tatooine to bury the Skywalker's family stuff (lightsabers). A stranger walks up to her and asks who she is. She takes on the 'Skywalker' name as a title and says she has found her place in life, etc. She says she is 'Rey, Rey Skywalker.'

When we talk about alternate versions of movies it usually centers on how things could have begun or ended differently. There's the different endings of Blade Runner, and it happened when we heard about the alternate opening of The Force Awakens back when J.J. Abrams apparently wanted to open on Luke's severed hand floating through space. (Hell, even Rian Johnson had an alternate opening for The Last Jedi.) And now, this talk is central to the discussion about The Rise of Skywalker.

In the past few weeks rumors have circulated that there were alternate openings or bizzaro endings. The thing is, if anyone thinks a different beginning or ending could have 'fixed' everything wrong with The Rise of Skywalker, they're missing the larger view of the Force — the giant, muddled middle of this movie is why it's such problematic and divisive film. Spoilers ahead.


According to Lucasfilm Story Group member Pablo Hidalgo, he pitched an alternate ending where Ben Solo survived and ended up on the planet Ahch-To. If you believe stuntman Juan Bautista, who was inside of one of the Knights of Ren costumes, there was also some kind of alternate ending where Rey didn't come back to life. All of this is noise. None of it matters. If you want to believe any of this stuff would have 'fixed' or changed The Rise of Skywalker that we got, that's fine. But, if you actually look at the bulk of the movie's runtime, the problem is a very, very muddled second act in which a whole lot of nothing happens.

If we consider everything up until Rey thinks she kills Chewbacca to be the first third of the movie, then you can quickly see why everything that happens after that is a complete shitshow. Let's take a look at the three acts of The Rise of Skywalker, boiled down to their most simple elements.

Act 1

Palpatine is back! Sith Wayfinders are the key to finding him! Rey and the gang have to go to Burning Man Planet to locate a clue, that will lead them to another clue. Rey can heal sandworms, Poe has a secret, Finn has a secret, and C-3P0 learns a secret that can only be deciphered by some illegal programming. After stealing a ship and losing the Falcon, Rey shoots lightning out of her hands and thinks she's killed Chewbacca. Our heroes head-off to Crime Planet, to hire someone to deprogram C-3PO and get him to reveal what's written on the nifty dagger they stole.

Rey shoots force lightning gear

Act 2

Um. Okay. So, Poe used to be a smuggler and he has an old girlfriend (?) named Zorri Bliss and she gives him a special medallion, but also leads them to Babu Frik (who is apparently hilarious according to Twitter) and Babu reboots C-3PO to make him translate the Sith writing on the dagger. Chewbacca is not dead, so we have to rescue him at some point, oh, and by the way, remember, we lost the Falcon, too, so we better figure out how to get that back. Where's Lando? Nevermind, we left him on Burning Man Planet. I wonder if he'll be back? Anyway, there's no time to worry about that, because now, Finn, Rey and Poe have to get Chewie, get the Falcon back, then go to the Endor system, to a planet that IS NOT the Forest Moon of Endor, but instead is Water Endor.

The Death Star we saw esplode in Return of the Jedi, apparently had a really big chunk that just daintily fell on Water Endor, which is handy, because the Dagger (which we can now read because of C-3PO's memory wipe) tells everyone they have to go there.

Rey shoots force lightning

We meet some Ex-Stormtroopers who have space horses, and also cool water skimmers. They tell everyone to chill out. Rey can't chill out, takes a water skimmer, goes to the broken Death Star, meets Nightmare Dark Rey for like three seconds – a hallucination so specific it includes a totally detailed evil double-bladed lightsaber — and then, she also meets Kylo Ren who is there. Oh, I almost forgot — An important detail, right before we got to Water Endor, Kylo Ren and Rey had a mind-fight, and Kylo revealed that Rey is Palpatine's granddaughter. This is why she can shoot lightning. Anyway, Kylo is on Water Endor and that's a big deal.

Oh did we mention that General Hux is good? Yeah, that doesn't matter, but it does take up several minutes of the movie. Anyway.

Leia talks to Ben/Kylo through the Force, and then Rey stabs him. She then feels bad about this and uses her healing powers to bring him back. (Okay?) Then she leaves in a huff and steals his TIE Fighter (which we'll see that she wrecks in a few minutes.) Meanwhile, Ben has a dream-chat with dead Han Solo and he decides to become good.

Leia dies. Rey goes to Porg Land, talks to ghost Luke who tells her he knew she was a Palpatine the whole time, and then grabs his old X-Wing out of the swamp, tosses her the keys, and says, yeah, you're good to drive this thing, go kill the Emperor, your grandfather.

Rey shoots force lightning force

Meanwhile, the Resistance tries to get their act together and Lando shows up.

Act 3

Everybody goes to the Emperor's Gross Planet. A billion spaceships show up because Zorri Bliss told them too. Rey fights Palpatine. Space horses ride on top of a Star Destroyer. Ben and Rey act extra cool (but not as cool as they were in The Last Jedi) the Emperor tries to suck their life force out, shoots lighting, and is all-around way more powerful than he's ever been.

Eventually, with Ben's help, and the help of every Jedi ghost ever, Rey defeats the Dark Side. Then she goes to live on Tatooine and says her name is Rey Skywalker. The End!

Okay. So, clearly there's way too much stuff that happens in the second act of this movie. And, the worst part about it, is that literally all of it is table-setting for the final act. In some senses, you could argue that the entire movie is just set-up for the climax where everyone ends up on or in orbit of Exegol. Is it anyone's fault in specific that the middle of this movie has so much stuff in it? Well, one could argue that yes, this is specifically the fault of J.J. Abrams and Chris Terrio, the screenwriters of the film, but it's also possible that there are literally just too many characters in this film to manage reasonably.

For example, let's just imagine a version of this movie without General Hux or Allegiant General Pryde. Right there, you cut out a ton of dialogue and water-treading that does absolutely nothing to forward the plot. Will fans be wondering where General Hux went? Seriously, who cares? Where was bushy-bearded General Dodonna from A New Hope in The Empire Strikes Back? Didn't he come with the Rebels to Hoth? Seriously, it doesn't matter. Why wasn't Snap Wexley in The Last Jedi? Guess, what we didn't ask! The Rise of Skywalker is so focused on making sure we understand where every single person is at all times, that the middle of the movie is an exercise in splitting space hairs. Why did Chewbacca need to get kidnapped? Clearly, the answer is so everyone could rescue him and that could remind us of Leia getting rescued in A New Hope. J.J. Abrams got away with this kind of homaging in The Force Awakens, mostly because there were fewer characters, and despite it being silly, the 'map to Luke Skywalker' plot device was a little bit more elegant than the complicated treasure quest.

Anyway, the point is, that eliminating things like Chewbacca's capture or the emphasis placed on the shifting leadership inside of the First Order is a game you could play all day long. And that's because the real issue if The Rise of SKywalker that its plot is at war with its story.

The plot of The Rise of Skywalker versus the story of The Rise of Skywalker

Rey Shoots Force Lightning Force

What's the story of Episode IX? Well, by my estimation it's mostly about the redemption and rebirth of the Skywalker name and legacy. It's also about the final defeat of the Emperor, and it's a meditation on what future generations do and don't owe the generations that came before. It's about being more than what you were born to and making choices that honor what you believe in.

What's the plot of Episode IX? That's easy: Treasure hunt! Spaceship swapping! Nostalgia-fest! Call-outs to every single Star Wars movie! Erasing character's memories, then giving them the memories back! Character deaths that are retconned with little (or zero) explanation! Character secrets teased in dialogue but never explained, and of course, space horses.

The flaw of The Rise of Skywalker has almost nothing to do with its ending. Rey summoning all the Jedi to help her and Ben becoming briefly a good boy to assist actually is fine. And, in any version of the movie — even one in which Rey and Ben are fighting someone who isn't Palpatine — all of that stuff works.

Rey Shoots Force Lightning

Rey going to live on Tatooine is a little dopey and silly, but in terms of honoring the story, it's not the worst. If you swapped out Ben Solo and had Rey live somewhere else, it would be fine. However, neither of those things would save the movie, and that's because the middle of the film is just to damn busy to let the story actually matter.

The barrier of entry in the film is the fact that nobody knows how to get to Exegol without the complicated plot allowing them to find it. This is the same barrier of entry for the audience. We are never convinced that Exegol is hard to find, and not just because Kylo Ren finds it in the first act. The reason we are never convinced that it's hard to find is that:

  • A: This has never been a thing that has happened in a Star Wars movie before
  • B: It simply doesn't work dramatically.

The plots of most Star Wars movies — even ones that rely on a mystery-structure like Attack of the Clones or Rogue One — have never been about entire planets being hidden. Generally speaking, when someone wants to go somewhere, they go there. Whether they use the Force or the nav computer to calculate the jumps in hyperspace is their call. The point is, knowing where you were going, has literally never been a problem in Star Wars before.

Rey Shoots Force Lightning Gear

That is, until The Force Awakens. When Abrams created 'the map to Luke Skywalker,' he broke the rules of how we thought about navigating the Star Wars galaxy. But we mostly forgave him because it was a cool way to keep the plot of that film moving without hurting the story. You also might say that a 'map to Luke SKywalker' was the thematic point of the movie, too.

Either way, having a hidden destination in The Force Awakens didn't prevent the audience from understanding what was going on. But in The Rise of Skywalker, everything rests on our belief that the plot — the idea that this hidden planet can only be found a specific way — somehow reflects the larger themes of the story. It doesn't.

If you only watch the first 15 minutes or the last 15 minutes of the movie, none of this a problem. But, if you dip into the middle, it's suggested that the rest of the movie can't happen unless these events unfold exactly as they do. The trouble is, anyone can tell that this is a lie. The plot happening in the middle of The Rise of Skywalker is perfunctory and could easily have been jumbled around in a different way. Once you notice this, you'll see through the lies of the Jedi, and the Sith.

A different ending wouldn't have changed any of this. The problems with Episode IX are right at the center. Sadly, even using the Force can't bullseye this womp rat. It's there forever because, unlike an alternate ending, the middle is most of this film.

Rey Shoots Force Lightning Mcqueen

The Rise of Skywalker is still in theaters.