
C Slope Soil

This study aims to investigate the roles of slope aspect, land use and soil depth in altering the soil organic carbon (C), total nitrogen (N), and total phosphorus (P) traits in the karst trough valley area experiencing extensive ecological restoration. A total of 54 soil samples were collected at 0–10, 10–20, and 20–30 cm soil depths from secondary forest, plantation forest. Furthermore, the parameters of soil moisture (b 1 and b 2) is the most sensitive, followed by parameters in storm duration (c) and slope equations (a 1 and a 2), and the least sensitive parameter is the initial abstraction ratio λ on the basis of the proposed method sensitivity analysis. Conclusions can be drawn from the above results that the.

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Type c soil slope calculator
Subchapter 4. Construction Safety Orders
Article 6. Excavations
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Sloping and Benching

(a) Scope and application. This appendix contains specifications for sloping and benching when used as methods of protecting employees working in excavations from cave-ins. The requirements of this appendix apply when the design of sloping and benching protective systems is to be performed in accordance with the requirements set forth in Section 1541.1(b).

(b) Definitions.

Actual slope means the slope to which an excavation face is excavated.

Distress means that the soil is in a condition where a cave-in is imminent or is likely to occur. Distress is evidenced by such phenomena as the development of fissures in the face of or adjacent to an open excavation; the subsidence of the edge of an excavation; the slumping of material from the face or the bulging or heaving of material from the bottom of an excavation; the spalling of material from the face of an excavation; and ravelling, i.e., small amounts of material such as pebbles or little clumps of material suddenly separating from the face of an excavation and trickling or rolling down into the excavation.

Maximum allowable slope means the steepest incline of an excavation face that is acceptable for the most favorable site conditions as protection against cave-ins, and is expressed as the ratio of horizontal distance to vertical rise (H:V),

Short term exposure means a period of time less than or equal to 24 hours that an excavation is open.

(c) Requirements.

(1) Soil classification. Soil and rock deposits shall be classified in accordance with Appendix A to Section 1541.1.

(2) Maximum allowable slope. The maximum allowable slope for a soil or rock deposit shall be determined from Table B-1 of this appendix.

(3) Actual slope.

(A) The actual slope shall not be steeper than the maximum allowable slope.

(B) The actual slope shall be less steep than the maximum allowable slope, when there are signs of distress. If that situation occurs, the slope shall be cut back to an actual slope which is at least 1/2 horizontal to one vertical (1/2H:1V) less steep than the maximum allowable slope.

(C) When surcharge loads from stored material or equipment, operating equipment, or traffic are present, a competent person shall determine the degree to which the actual slope must be reduced below the maximum allowable slope, and shall assure that such reduction is achieved. Surcharge loads from adjacent structures shall be evaluated in accordance with Section 1541(i).

(4) Configurations. Configurations of sloping and benching systems shall be in accordance with Figure B-1.

Figure B-1
Slope Configurations

(All slopes stated below are in the horizontal to vertical ratio)
B-1.1 Excavations made in Type A soil

1. All simple slope excavations 20 feet or less in depth shall gave a maximum allowable slope of 3/4:1.

Exception: Simple slope excavations which are open 24 hours or less (short term) and which are 12 feet or less in depth shall have a maximum allowable slope of 1/2:1.

2.All benched excavations 20 feet or less in depth shall have a maximum allowable slope of 3/4 to 1 and maximum bench dimensions as follows:

Simple Bench
Multiple Bench

3. All excavations 8 feet or less in depth which have unsupported vertically sided lower portions shall have a maximum vertical side 3 1/2 feet.

All excavations more than 8 feet but not more than 12 feet in depth with unsupported vertically sided lower portions shall have a maximum allowable slope of 1:1 and a maximum vertical side of 3 1/2 feet.

All excavations 20 feet or less in depth which have vertically sided lower portions that are supported or shielded shall have a maximum allowable slope of 3/4:1. The support or shield system must extend at least 18 inches above the top of the vertical side

B- 1.2 Excavations Made in Type B Soil

1. All simple slope excavations 20 feet or less in depth shall have a maximum allowable slope of 1:1.

2. All benched excavations 20 feet or less in depth shall have a maximum allowable slope of 1:1 and maximum bench dimensionsas follows:

Single Bench
Multiple Bench

3. All excavations 20 feet or less in depth which have vertically sided lower portions shall be shielded or supported to a height at least 18 inches above the top of the vertical side. All such excavations shall have a maximum allowable slope of 1:1

B- 1.3 Excavations Made in Type C Soil

1. All simple slope excavations 20 feet or less in depth shall have a maximum allowable slope of 1 1/2:1

2.All excavations 20 feet or less in depth which have vertically sided lower portions shall be shielded or supported to a height at least 18 inches above the top of the vertical side. All such excavations shall have a maximum allowable slope of 1 1/2:1.

3. All other sloped excavations shall be in accordance with the other options permitted in 1541.1(b)

B- 1.4 Excavations Made in Layered Soil


1. All excavations 20 feet or less in depth made in layered soils shall have a maximum allowable slope for each layer as set forth below:



2. All other sloped excavations shall be in accordance with the other options permitted in 1541.1(b).

Class C Soil Slope Minimum

NOTE: Authority cited: Section 142.3, Labor Code. Reference: Section 142.3, Labor Code.

C Type Soil Slope