
5 Oraciones

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  2. 5 Oraciones
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Moved Permanently. Redirecting to https://www.ingles.com/traductor/escribe%205%20oraciones. Oraciones para peticiones de Amor, Pedir Dinero y Trabajo, para Suerte, para Salud, Prosperidad, para Solucionar Problemas, para Causas Dificiles y Urgentes. Definition of oraciones in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of oraciones. What does oraciones mean? Information and translations of oraciones in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Mira ejemplos de hacer 5 oraciones. Descubre oraciones que usan hacer 5 oraciones en la vida real.

Usamos Since como preposición, una conjunción y un adverbio para referirnos a un tiempo, y como una conjunción para introducir una razón

Usamos since para referirnos a un punto previo en el tiempo con fechas, clausulas y frases nominales

  • I haven’t seen her since May
  • I haven’t visited since April
  • It’s so long since I saw them.
  • Lenny had slept most of the way since leaving Texas.

Table of Contents

Oraciones con Since + ING

Estas son oraciones con since y un verbo con ing

  • Sinceleaving school, he has had three or four temporary jobs.
  • Since moving to Norway, I have started three small stores
  • Since arriving in New York, Thomas has had over 15 job interviews.
  • Since getting this job, I have been able to save money
  • Since joining the mormon church, I have stopped drinking coffee
  • Since finishing school. she started making improvements in English

Since, since then

Estas son unas oraciones que terminan con las palabras since y since then

  • They had a big fight, they haven’t spoken since
  • I lost my job and I have been to the club since then
  • They got divorced and they haven’t gather together since
  • I bought a website and I have made some improvement in it since then

Since para dar Razones

5 Oraciones

Estos son algunos ejemplos donde se usa la palabra since para dar razones.

  • Since she doesn’t know English, she apply for a position in another call center
  • Since we failed our test, we decided to start another major.
  • Since we don’t do exercises, we decided to start eating healthier
  • They’re rather expensive, since they’re quite hard to find.

Ejemplos de Oraciones con Since


Estos son varios ejemplos de oraciones con since

  • He hasn’t won a game since last year.
  • I’ve known Joanna since she was born.
  • Since we met, we have been very good friends
  • My dog hasn’t eaten anything since Friday
  • She has been in the hospital since last week.
  • She has been absent since Wednesday.
  • I work at this company since 1998.
  • We haven´t been to Aspen since last Christmas.
  • He and Rita are taking a break since the accident.
  • It’s a long time since we met,

Preguntas y Respuestas con Since

Estas son algunas preguntas de si o no con la palabra since

  • Have you talked to him since christmas?
  • No, I haven’t

5 Oraciones Completas

  • Have you visited grandma since grandpa died?
  • Yes, I have
AdverbiosEjemplos de oraciones simple
  • Will you turn on the air conditioning since it is hot?
  • Of course I will

Estas son algunas preguntas y respuestas con since

5 Oraciones

  • How long have you been working here?
  • I have been working in this company since 2008
  • How long have you been living here?
  • I have been living here since 1998
  • When was the last time you saw them?
  • I have seen them since last May
  • How long has she been in the hospital?
  • She has been in the hospital since last Monday

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